How can I improve my child’s spelling?
How can I improve my child’s spelling is one of many questions parents are asking as Queenslanders prepare for the new school year. Back to school ads abound for books and uniforms and school computers. Without a doubt most parents want to do their very best to help their child achieve their full potential at school and are keen to help.
How important is correct spelling? If you are interested read the blog by clicking on the link.
It is important even in the tattoo parlour.
Unfortunately spelling was not my best subject at Primary School. I was given weekly spelling lists at my first primary school in Longton, Lancashire, England. We moved to Port Moresby Papua New Guinea where I started in Grade 4 at Boroko East Primary School. We did the New South Wales syllabus and again there were lists of word to learn each week. I am still not the best speller but get by quite well with all the training.
All five of my children attended and one still does attend Herberton Primary School. Therefore I am very familiar with the weekly spelling list routine in Queensland schools.
How can I get my child to do his homework and learn the spelling lists?
However my main problem was actually getting my children to do their homework. The problem came to a head with James my youngest son. He was always finding excuses not to do his homework. I had started to write apps for the Apple App store and thought maybe I could write an app to encourage him to do his homework and learn his spelling words.
This is what I wrote when I first put the app on the App Store.
I first decided to write this app to try to fix the constant struggle I had been having with my then 9 year old son. It was so difficult to get him to complete his weekly spelling words.
His homework and probably that of 90% of the primary school kids in Australia mainly consists of 10-15 spelling words of which he has to Look, Say, Cover and Write.
He also has to learn a particular times table by writing it out. As I am not especially organised I did not have the time to do this with him. Unfortunately I was not able to even ensure he was doing his homework. Sadly we were often trying to do it on the way to school Friday morning.
I work full time and have 5 children. It is not just the lack of time. I also found his delaying tactics excruciating. He searched for his homework book, pencil, pencil sharpener, got a drink, went to the toilet. Often he just seemed to go missing for ages.
By then I generally give up.
Spelling App – a Homework Helper
So I wrote the app and then he could do his spelling list. Below is a screen shot from the app to show you what it can do.
Also as a bonus I added times tables practice. Below is a screen shot from the app.
He could do this on iPhone or IPAD. Happily he could complete homework on the way to football training or shopping. I have recently updated this app to include printing completed spelling lists results. Also there is an option to email to the teacher. I have recently added over 1000 grade appropriate spelling words. This will help your child get up to speed for spelling at their year level. Homework help is available on iPad, iPod and iPhone.
Enter Weekly Spelling Words.
Each week as the homework spelling list comes home with your child from school, enter the new list into the app.
Record the word and sentence to give the word context. Have your child complete the spelling list until 100% is achieved. A random test can also be selected from all the spelling lists entered so far.
It is good to see the word in context in a sentence and for your child to hear the word and get an extra clue from the sentence. The child types the word in and hopefully gets a gold star.
Try out the app from the app store. It is free. See if it helps. Click on the icon to access the app store.
Android version available from the Google Play Store now.
Will try it out